NATSOP-HOR003 National Standard Operating Procedure: Mustering of feral horses

NATSOP-CAM004 National Standard Operating Procedure: Field immobilisation of camels

NATSOP-CAM003 National Standard Operating Procedure: Mustering of feral camels

NATSOP-DON003 National Standard Operating Procedure: Capture of feral donkeys

NATSOP-GOA003 National Standard Operating Procedure: Mustering of feral goats

NATSOP-CAN001 National Standard Operating Procedure: Methods for the field euthanasia of cane toads

NATSOP-GEN001 National Standard Operating Procedure: Methods of Euthanasia

Assessing the humaneness of commonly used invasive animal control methods

A report by Trudy Sharp and Glen Saunders prepared for the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australian Pest Animal Management Program (APAMP) and Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Australian Animal Welfare Strategy (AAWS) – 2010