Best practice management of wild dogs in peri-urban environments
Guidelines for preparing a working plan to manage wild dogs
These Guidelines for Preparing a Working Plan to Manage Wild Dogs (Brown Book) have been produced as a companion to the Working Plan to Manage Wild Dogs (Green Book). It is a PestSmart Toolkit publication, Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Centre, Canberra, ACT. – 2012
Quoll Identification Software Toolkit
Identification of individual quolls from camera trap images – the Quoll Identification Toolkit (QIT) software provides a semi-automated toolkit to facilitate the identification of individual quolls from camera trap image sequences.
2016 National Wild Deer Management Workshop Proceedings
Published by: Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Centre. D Forsyth, T Pople, B Page, A Moriarty,D Ramsey, J Parkes, A Wiebkin & C Lane – 2016