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2024 EIC Australian List of Threat Categories of Non-indigenous Vertebrates

The Environment and Invasives Committee List of Threat Categories of Non-indigenous Vertebrates (the EIC List)
forms a record of the non-indigenous amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals that:
 are recorded in Australia,
 have been previously recorded in Australia and have been risk assessed,
 are suitable for live import but are not in Australia,
 have been risk assessed but are believed not to be present in Australia, or
 have been risk assessed and are not considered suitable for import (i.e., the species is not on the
Commonwealth’s Live Import List). – 2024

impact monitor research risk assessment strategy threats

2023 EIC Australian List of Threat Categories of Non-indigenous Vertebrates

The Environment and Invasives Committee List of Threat Categories of Non-indigenous Vertebrates (the EIC List) forms a record of the non-indigenous amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals that are recorded in Australia, have been previously recorded in Australia and have been risk assessed, are suitable for live import but are not in Australia, have been risk assessed but are believed not to be present in Australia, and are not considered suitable for import. – 2023

impact monitor research risk assessment strategy threats

Risk assessment models for establishment of exotic vertebrates in Australia and New Zealand

A report by Mary Bomford produced for the Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Centre – 2008

impact model risk

Risk Assessment for Australia – Domestic Sheep (Ovis aries)(Linnaeus,1758)

A risk assessment by Manda Page, Win Kirkpatrick and Marion Massam from DAFWA – 2009

incursion risk assessment

Risk Assessment for Australia – Stoat (Mustela erminea)(Linnaeus,1758)

A risk assessment by Manda Page, Win Kirkpatrick and Marion Massam from DAFWA – 2008

risk assessment

2022 EIC Australian List of Threat Categories of Non-indigenous Vertebrates

The Environment and Invasives Committee List of Threat Categories of Non-indigenous Vertebrates (the EIC List) forms a record of the non-indigenous amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals that are recorded in Australia, have been previously recorded in Australia and have been risk assessed, are suitable for live import but are not in Australia, have been risk assessed but are believed not to be present in Australia, and are not considered suitable for import. – 2022

impact monitor research risk assessment strategy threats

Risk Assessments for Exotic Reptiles and Amphibians Introduced to Australia -Corn Snake (Elaphe guttata) (Linnaeus,1766)

Report Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia by Amanda Page, Win Kirkpatrick and Marion Massam – 2008

manage risk

Risk Assessments for exotic reptiles and amphibians introduced to australia – Black-spined Toad (Bufo melanostictus) (Scheider, 1799)

Report Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia by Amanda Page, Win Kirkpatrick and Marion Massam – 2008

manage risk

Risk Assessments for exotic reptiles and amphibians introduced to australia – Cane Toad (Bufo marinus) (Linnaeus, 1758)

Report Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia by Amanda Page, Win Kirkpatrick and Marion Massam – 2008

manage risk

Risk Assessments for exotic reptiles and amphibians introduced to australia – Rhinoceros Viper (Bitis masicornis) (Shaw, 1792)

Report Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia by Amanda Page, Win Kirkpatrick and Marion Massam – 2008

manage risk

Risk Assessments for exotic reptiles and amphibians introduced to australia – Boa Constrictor (Boa Constrictor) (Linnaeus, 1758)

Report Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia by Amanda Page, Win Kirkpatrick and Marion Massam – 2008

manage risk

Risk assessment for the establishment of exotic vertebrates in Australia: recalibration and refinement of model

Report produced for the Department of the Environment and Heritage by Mary Bomford – 2006

evaluation risk

(Displaying 1–20 of 12)