National Preparedness Plan: Asian Black-spined toad

This plan strengthens national preparedness to prevent, plan and respond to future incursions of Asian black-spined toads into Australia. – 2024

Automated thermal imagery analysis platform for multiple pest species: Final project report

Automated detection: Triggering smarter, faster, better response to incursions: Final project report

Development of a National ‘Invasive Species Management’ Digital Information Portal: Final project report

Starlings in Western Australia – Assessing the likely cost of an incursion

Final report by ACIL Tasman prepared for the Invasive Animals CRC – 2006

Risk Assessment for Australia – Domestic Sheep (Ovis aries)(Linnaeus,1758)

A risk assessment by Manda Page, Win Kirkpatrick and Marion Massam from DAFWA – 2009