National Preparedness Plan: Asian Black-spined toad

This plan strengthens national preparedness to prevent, plan and respond to future incursions of Asian black-spined toads into Australia. – 2024

Site fidelity trumps disturbance: aerial shooting does not cause surviving fallow deer (Dama dama) to disperse

NATSOP-DOG003 National Standard Operating Procedure: Ground Shooting of wild dogs

NATSOP-FOX004 National Standard Operating Procedure: Fumigation of fox dens using carbon monoxide

NATSOP-FOX003 National Standard Operating Procedure: Ground shooting of foxes

NATSOP-RAB008 National Standard Operating Procedure: Ground shooting of rabbits

NATSOP-PIG003 National Standard Operating Procedure: Ground shooting of feral pigs

NATSOP-PIG002 National Standard Operating Procedure: Aerial shooting of feral pigs

NATSOP-CAT001 National Standard Operating Procedure: Ground shooting of feral cats

NATSOP-HOR002 National Standard Operating Procedure: Aerial Shooting of feral horses

NATSOP-HOR001 National Standard Operating Procedure: Ground shooting of feral horses

NATSOP-CAM002 National Standard Operating Procedure: Aerial shooting of camels

NATSOP-CAM001 National Standard Operating Procedure: Ground shooting of camels

NATSOP-DON002 National Standard Operating Procedure: Aerial shooting of feral donkeys

NATSOP-DON001 National Standard Operating Procedure: Ground shooting of feral donkeys

NATSOP-GOA002 National Standard Operating Procedure: Aerial shooting of feral goats

NATSOP-GOA001 Ground shooting of feral goats

NATSOP-HAR001 National Standard Operating Procedure: Ground shooting of hares

NATSOP-BIR001 National Standard Operating Procedure: Shooting of pest birds

NATSOP-DEER001 National Standard Operating Procedure: Aerial shooting of feral and wild deer

NATSOP-DEER002 National Standard Operating Procedure: Ground Shooting for Feral and Wild Deer

Terrestrial Vertebrate Working Group – 2023

Business case to advance the selection of new rabbit biocontrol agents

Peacock D (2015). Business case to advance the selection of new rabbit biocontrol agents. Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Centre, Canberra, Australia. – 2015

National mapping of the abundance of established, new and emerging pest animals to improve decision-making and the assessment of government investment programs. Stage 2: Introduced Pest Birds

Final Report to the Australian Bureau Of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences by Peter West – 2011