Consultation Draft – National Incursion Prevention and Response Strategy for Potentially Invasive Animals 2017-2022

Complied by Dr Michelle Christy as part of a project with the Invasive Animals CRC – 2017

NCCP Strategic Research and Technology Plan 2017–2019

The National Carp Control Plan Strategic Research and Technology Plan provides a framework to address priority knowledge gaps and risks associated with possible implementation of an integrated program for the control of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) in Australia from 2019 – 2017

National Incursion Response Plan – Terrestrial Snakes

Compiled by Dr Michelle Christy and endorsed by the Invasive Animals and Plant Committee (IPAC). This Plan should be used by Incursion Response Specialists and professional snake handlers only. – 2016

National Categorisation System for Invasive Species

This document was produced by the Categorisation Working Groups of the Australian Weeds Committee and the Vertebrate Pests Committee. It was endorsed by the National Biosecurity Committee in July 2011. – 2011