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Humaneness assessment worksheet: Baiting of feral pigs with 1080

The assessment worksheets used by the Humaneness Assessment Panel to create the Humaneness matrices for pest animal management techniques – 2009

animal welfare

Humaneness assessment worksheet: Aerial shooting of feral pigs

The assessment worksheets used by the Humaneness Assessment Panel to create the Humaneness matrices for pest animal management techniques – 2009

animal welfare

Humaneness assessment worksheet: Trapping of feral horses

The assessment worksheets used by the Humaneness Assessment Panel to create the Humaneness matrices for pest animal management techniques – 2009

animal welfare

Humaneness assessment worksheet: Mustering of feral horses

The assessment worksheets used by the Humaneness Assessment Panel to create the Humaneness matrices for pest animal management techniques – 2009

animal welfare

Humaneness assessment worksheet: Ground shooting of feral horses

The assessment worksheets used by the Humaneness Assessment Panel to create the Humaneness matrices for pest animal management techniques – 2009

animal welfare

Humaneness assessment worksheet: Aerial shooting of feral horses

The assessment worksheets used by the Humaneness Assessment Panel to create the Humaneness matrices for pest animal management techniques – 2009

animal welfare

Humaneness assessment worksheet: Trapping of feral goats

The assessment worksheets used by the Humaneness Assessment Panel to create the Humaneness matrices for pest animal management techniques – 2009

animal welfare

Humaneness assessment worksheet: Mustering of feral goats

The assessment worksheets used by the Humaneness Assessment Panel to create the Humaneness matrices for pest animal management techniques – 2009

animal welfare

Humaneness assessment worksheet: Ground shooting of feral goats

The assessment worksheets used by the Humaneness Assessment Panel to create the Humaneness matrices for pest animal management techniques – 2009

animal welfare

Humaneness assessment worksheet: Aerial shooting of feral goats

The assessment worksheets used by the Humaneness Assessment Panel to create the Humaneness matrices for pest animal management techniques – 2009

animal welfare

Humaneness assessment worksheet: Poisoning of foxes with FOXECUTE® paraaminopropiophenone(PAPP) baits

The assessment worksheets used by the Humaneness Assessment Panel to create the Humaneness matrices for pest animal management techniques – 2016

animal welfare

Humaneness assessment worksheet: Trapping of foxes using padded-jaw trapsfollowed by killing

The assessment worksheets used by the Humaneness Assessment Panel to create the Humaneness matrices for pest animal management techniques – 2009

animal welfare

Humaneness assessment worksheet: Ground shooting of foxes

The assessment worksheets used by the Humaneness Assessment Panel to create the Humaneness matrices for pest animal management techniques – 2009

animal welfare

Humaneness assessment worksheet: Fumigation of fox dens with carbonmonoxide (CO)

The assessment worksheets used by the Humaneness Assessment Panel to create the Humaneness matrices for pest animal management techniques – 2009

animal welfare

Humaneness assessment worksheet: Cage trapping of foxes followed by shooting

The assessment worksheets used by the Humaneness Assessment Panel to create the Humaneness matrices for pest animal management techniques – 2009

animal welfare

Humaneness assessment worksheet: Baiting of foxes with 1080

The assessment worksheets used by the Humaneness Assessment Panel to create the Humaneness matrices for pest animal management techniques – 2009

animal welfare

Humaneness assessment worksheet: Ground shooting of feral donkeys

The assessment worksheets used by the Humaneness Assessment Panel to create the Humaneness matrices for pest animal management techniques – 2009

animal welfare

Humaneness assessment worksheet: Aerial shooting of feral donkeys

The assessment worksheets used by the Humaneness Assessment Panel to create the Humaneness matrices for pest animal management techniques – 2009

animal welfare

Humaneness assessment worksheet: Poisoning of feral cats with CURIOSITY® paraaminopropiophenone(PAPP) baits

The assessment worksheets used by the Humaneness Assessment Panel to create the Humaneness matrices for pest animal management techniques – 2016

animal welfare

Humaneness assessment worksheet: Trapping of feral cats using padded-jaw traps followed by shooting

The assessment worksheets used by the Humaneness Assessment Panel to create the Humaneness matrices for pest animal management techniques – 2009

animal welfare

Humaneness assessment worksheet: Ground shooting of feral cats

The assessment worksheets used by the Humaneness Assessment Panel to create the Humaneness matrices for pest animal management techniques – 2009

animal welfare

Humaneness assessment worksheet: Cage trapping of feral cats followed by killing

The assessment worksheets used by the Humaneness Assessment Panel to create the Humaneness matrices for pest animal management techniques – 2009

animal welfare

Humaneness assessment worksheet: Cage trapping of feral cats (with transport)followed by killing

The assessment worksheets used by the Humaneness Assessment Panel to create the Humaneness matrices for pest animal management techniques – 2009

animal welfare

Humaneness assessment worksheet: Yarding and holding feral camels

The assessment worksheets used by the Humaneness Assessment Panel to create the Humaneness matrices for pest animal management techniques – 2013

animal welfare

(Displaying 1–20 of 460)