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Tools for developing cost-effective decisions for managing invasive pest eradications: Final project report

Automated thermal imagery analysis platform for multiple pest species: Final project report

Automated detection: Triggering smarter, faster, better response to incursions: Final project report

Real time eDNA tools to improve early detection and response approaches for high-risk pest animals: Final project report

Assessment of the biodiversity, economic and productivity gains from exclusion fencing, Western Australia: Final project report

Development of a National ‘Invasive Species Management’ Digital Information Portal: Final project report

2023 EIC Australian List of Threat Categories of Non-indigenous Vertebrates

The Environment and Invasives Committee List of Threat Categories of Non-indigenous Vertebrates (the EIC List) forms a record of the non-indigenous amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals that are recorded in Australia, have been previously recorded in Australia and have been risk assessed, are suitable for live import but are not in Australia, have been risk assessed but are believed not to be present in Australia, and are not considered suitable for import. – 2023

impact monitor research risk assessment strategy threats

Planning Guide for Fox Management in Australia

The Planning Guide for Fox Management in Australia has been produced by the Centre for Invasive Species Solutions for land managers, community group, pest control professional, and biosecurity organisations. – 2023

European fox

Planning Guide for Feral Cat Management in Australia

The Planning Guide for Feral Cat Management in Australia has been produced by the Centre for Invasive Species Solutions for land managers, community group, pest control professional, and biosecurity organisations. – 2023

Feral cat

National Carp Control Plan

Recommendations for a long-term rabbit biocontrol research and innovation plan (2016)

Report to the Invasive Plants and Animals Committee. Endorsed by the Invasive Animals CRC Rabbit Biocontrol Scientific Committee
Noted by the Invasive Plants and Animals Committee: IPAC4, Nov 2015; and IPAC 6, Aug 2016.
Tanja Strive, CSIRO (Compiler) 2016
An Invasive Animals CRC Project – 2016

Business case to advance the selection and testing of new tilapia biocontrol agents in Australia

Business case to advance the selection of new rabbit biocontrol agents

NATSOP-DEER003 National Standard Operating Procedure: Trapping of Feral and Wild Deer

Terrestrial Vertebrate Working Group – 2023

feral deer trapping

NATSOP-DEER002 National Standard Operating Procedure: Ground Shooting for Feral and Wild Deer

Terrestrial Vertebrate Working Group – 2023

control feral deer

Working plan to manage wild dogs

This document (Green Book) outlines a six-step strategic approach to the management of dingoes and other wild dogs, and poses a number of questions to help set up a working plan. It is best prepared with the accompanying Guidelines for Preparing a Working Plan to Manage Wild Dogs (Brown Book). – 2012

animal welfare manage wild dog

Guidelines for preparing a working plan to manage wild dogs

These Guidelines for Preparing a Working Plan to Manage Wild Dogs (Brown Book) have been produced as a companion to the Working Plan to Manage Wild Dogs (Green Book). It is a PestSmart Toolkit publication, Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Centre, Canberra, ACT. – 2012

manage techniques tools wild dog

Business case to advance the selection of new rabbit biocontrol agents

Peacock D (2015). Business case to advance the selection of new rabbit biocontrol agents. Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Centre, Canberra, Australia. – 2015

assess biocontrol biodiversity biosecurity case study control evaluate evaluation impact impact control management monitor report research vertebrates

Quoll Identification Software Toolkit

Identification of individual quolls from camera trap images – the Quoll Identification Toolkit (QIT) software provides a semi-automated toolkit to facilitate the identification of individual quolls from camera trap image sequences.

App biodiversity Community action environmental impacts monitoring risk assessment tools

(Displaying 1–20 of 460)