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Humaneness assessment worksheet: Loading and transport of feral camels

The assessment worksheets used by the Humaneness Assessment Panel to create the Humaneness matrices for pest animal management techniques – 2013

animal welfare

Humaneness assessment worksheet: Mustering of feral camels

The assessment worksheets used by the Humaneness Assessment Panel to create the Humaneness matrices for pest animal management techniques – 2013

animal welfare

Humaneness assessment worksheet: Lairage and slaughter of feral camels

The assessment worksheets used by the Humaneness Assessment Panel to create the Humaneness matrices for pest animal management techniques – 2013

animal welfare

Humaneness assessment worksheet: Ground shooting of feral camels

The assessment worksheets used by the Humaneness Assessment Panel to create the Humaneness matrices for pest animal management techniques – 2013

animal welfare

Humaneness assessment worksheet: Aerial shooting of feral camels

The assessment worksheets used by the Humaneness Assessment Panel to create the Humaneness matrices for pest animal management techniques – 2013

animal welfare

Humaneness assessment worksheet: Shooting of pest birds (small to medium)

The assessment worksheets used by the Humaneness Assessment Panel to create the Humaneness matrices for pest animal management techniques – 2009

animal welfare

Humaneness assessment worksheet: Shooting of pest birds (large)

The assessment worksheets used by the Humaneness Assessment Panel to create the Humaneness matrices for pest animal management techniques – 2009

animal welfare

Humaneness assessment worksheet: Trapping of pest birds using cage traps

The assessment worksheets used by the Humaneness Assessment Panel to create the Humaneness matrices for pest animal management techniques – 2009

animal welfare

Humaneness assessment worksheet: Trapping of pest birds using net traps

The assessment worksheets used by the Humaneness Assessment Panel to create the Humaneness matrices for pest animal management techniques – 2009

animal welfare

Cost Effective Feral Animal Exclusion Fencing for Areas of High Conservation Value in Australia

This report was prepared by Kirstin Long and Alan Robley from the Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research, Department of Sustainability and Environment Heidelberg, Melbourne – 2004

Best Practice Manual for the use of Livestock Guardian Dogs

The information contained in this manual by Linda von Bommel has been collated from a range of producers, breeders and owners of livestock guardian dogs and should provide the basis to successfully employ these animals in a range of environments and grazing situations. – 2010

animal welfare

A model for assessing the relative humaneness of pest animal control methods (1st edition)

These guidelines by Trudy Sharp and Glen Saunders support the assessment of humaneness for pest animal control methods – 2008

animal welfare

A model for assessing the relative humaneness of pest animal control methods (2nd edition)

This second edition by Trudy Sharp and Glen Saunders has been updated and revised to include minor modifications and improvements to the model for assessing the relative humaneness of pest animal control methods. – 2011

animal welfare

Guidelines for feral animal control on organic properties

These guidelines provide to guide to an operator through the process required by certifying organisations to receive permission to use a non-permitted substance, in this case sodium fluoroacetate (1080) under limited circumstances on a property for the purpose of controlling feral animal species. This publication was authored by Greg Mifsud, the National Wild Dog Management Coordinator and funded through the National Wild Dog Action Plan is supported by the Australian Government Department of Agriculture, State/Territory Governments, Industry Peak Bodies, Individual Producer Champions and related Research Organisations. – 2018


Best Practice Camel Book

This book is an illustrated reference of the Australian Standard and Guidelines for the land transport of camels, the Code of Practice for the humane control of feral camels; and Standard Operating Procedures for mustering and ground shooting of feral camels. – 2012

Standard operating procedures for the humane research of pest animals in Australia

NSW DPI was contracted by the Australian Government Department of the Environment and Water Resources to undertake a Natural Heritage Trust project that developed model standard operating procedures for the humane care and use of pest animals in Australia for the purposes of scientific research. – 2005


Social impacts of wild dogs—a review of literature

Review by Lyndal-Joy Thompson, Heather Aslin, Saan Ecker, Patty Please & Charlene Trestrail funded by AWI – 2013

review social impacts

Development of SOPs and a training package for the field immobilisation of large herbivores in Judas control programs

Final report by Andrew Woolnough, Mark Lethbridge, Jordan Hampton, Wayne Boardman, Ken Rose, Susan Campbell, and Trudy Sharp

– 2011

evaluation SOPs

Western New South Wales Wild Dog Management Case Study

Case study by Natasha Searle – 2017

manage western nsw

National workshop for development of improved pest animal monitoring and mapping procedures for Australia-wide application

Report by Peter West – 2010

mapping monitoring

Workshop Proceedings: Review of wildlife exotic disease preparedness in Australia

Report compiled by Wendy Henderson. Workshop hosted by the Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Centre, with funding from the Wildlife Exotic Disease Preparedness Program (Australian Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry) – 2008

preparedness wildlife disease

National Pest Animal Strategy scoping paper

This paper has been prepared at the request of the Australian Vertebrate Pests Committee (VPC), under the auspices of the Natural Resource Management Standing Committee. As a preliminary scoping document, it outlines the rationale and potential focus of a National Pest Animal Strategy. – 2005


Vertebrate Pests Committee List of Exotic Vertebrate Animals in Australia – May 2003

Developed by the Vertebrate Pests Committee – 2003

exotic vertebrates

Vertebrate Pests Committee List of Exotic Vertebrate Animals in Australia – July 2007

Developed by the Vertebrate Pests Committee – 2007

exotic vertebrates

(Displaying 1–20 of 460)