NATSOP-RAB009 National Standard Operating Procedure: Bait delivery of Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease Virus (RHDV1) K5 strain
NATSOP-DOG006 National Standard Operating Procedure: Baiting of wild dogs with para-aminopropiophenone (PAPP)
NATSOP-DOG005 National Standard Operating Procedure: Aerial baiting of wild dogs with sodium fluroacetate (1080)
NATSOP-DOG004 National Standard Operating Procedure: Ground baiting of wild dogs with sodium fluroacetate (1080)
NATSOP-FOX002 National Standard Operating Procedure: Aerial baiting of foxes with sodium fluoroacetate (1080)
NATSOP-FOX001 National Standand Operating Procedure: Ground baiting of foxes with sodium fluoroacetate (1080)
NATSOP-RAB003 National Standard Operating Procedure: Ground baiting of rabbits with pindone
NATSOP-RAB002 National Standard Operating Procedure: Aerial baiting of rabbits with sodium fluroacetate (1080)
NATSOP-RAB001 National Standard Operating Procedure: Ground baiting of rabbits with sodium fluoroacetate (1080)
National Registration with the APVMA of a feral cat bait – Stage 1: Final project report
Assessing the Humaneness and efficacy of a new Feral Pig Bait in domestic pigs
Report For The Australian Government Department of The Environment, Water, Heritage and The Arts – 2008
Pesticides used in the Management of Vertebrate Pests in Australia: A Review
Published by the NSW Department of Primary Industries by Lynette McLeod and Glen Saunders – 2013
A Review of 30 years of Canid Attractant Research
Report by Steven J Lapidge for Pestat Limited – 2004
A Ranger’s Handbook: Feeders, Trapping and 1080 baiting. Managing Feral Pigs for Biodiversity Conservation in Cape York
Produced by Balkanu, Cape York Devleopment Corporation
Mackay District – Feral Pig Management. Stakeholder Training Package
Report prepared for Queensland Government – Natural Resources, Mines and Energy – 2004
Commercialisation of the Boar Buffet®/HogHopper™: A feral pig specific bait hopper.
Report by Jason Wishart, Steven Lapidge and Michelle Smith
Determining the availability of individual aerially deployed wild dog baits
Final report to the Australian Bureau of Agricultural Resource Economics and Rural Sciences by Malcolm Kennedy and Kenneth Rose – 2013
Effect of a synthetic lure on site visitation and baituptake by foxes(Vulpes vulpes) and wild dogs (Canis lupis dingo/Canis lupisfamiliaris).
Proceedings of the third NSW Pest Animal Control Conference July 2005. R. Hunt, D. Dall, & S. Lapidge – 2005
Effect of a synthetic lure on site visitation and bait uptake by foxes (Vulpes vulpes) and wild dogs (Canis lupis dingo/Canis lupisfamiliaris).
Report by Rob Hunt, NSW Nationl Parks and Wildlife Service – 2004
HogHopper™ Responsible Feral Pig Management
Flyer produced by ACTA
The Development of a Manufactured, Canine-Specific Bait Substrate
By L R Allen, P J S Fleming, J A Thompson & K Strong
Is the use of DCR-1339 humane?
Report by Prof. Joan Dawes – 2006
Development of cyanide for feral pig and fox control – Research 2005–2010
Report prepared for Invasive Animals CRC by Matthew Gentle, Charlie Eason, Duncan MacMorran, Paul Aylett and David Aster – 2011
Insight: Wild Dog and Fox Control
Product flyer produced by Australian Wool Innovation – 2003