Mouse control options

The Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) provides practical information for growers and advisers on mouse control options.

We recommend viewing their website here –

Shared via GRDC here are five quick tips for mouse control:

  • Apply broad scale zinc phosphide bait: According to the label, at the prescribed rate of 1kg/ha.
  • Apply bait at seeding or within 24 hours: While seed is still covered by soil increasing the likelihood of mice taking the bait, prior to finding the seed. Rebait through the season as needed.
  • Timing is critical: Delays of 4-5 days in baiting after seeding can give mice time to find crop seed. High populations can cause up to 5% damage each night.
  • Monitor paddocks: Check paddocks regularly and update local data using the MouseAlert website.
  • After harvest and prior to sowing – minimise sources of food and shelter: Control weeds and volunteer crops along fence lines, clean up residual grain by grazing or rolling stubbles.

Connect with Government

It is important to connect with the relevant authorities before undertaking baiting or other forms of lethal management programs on your property.
