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View our best practice community engagement information hub ‘Community Invasives Action‘ to enhance community involvement in your invasive species management programs
Powered by the Centre for Invasive Species Solutions
View our best practice community engagement information hub ‘Community Invasives Action‘ to enhance community involvement in your invasive species management programs
Powered by the Centre for Invasive Species Solutions
Measuring outcomes
To effectively evaluate the success of the plan, you will need to take measurements while the plan is implemented. This is so that changes can be detected and quantified. For example:
Predation of livestock (record stock losses)
Wild dog abundance (record sightings and signs of activity)
Costs of managing the plan (draw a table of costs)
Effective feedback
Feedback is an important part of this stage. Data need to be promptly returned to stakeholders in an appropriate form and be accessible to all parties involved in wild dog management in your area. Suggested methods of feedback include:
Looking at wild dog management plans developed by other groups can help stakeholders decide upon what they need and how they would prefer to distribute it.
Evaluate the plan
Evaluating the plan using the monitoring results allows stakeholders to make an informed decision about the plan’s success and to identify any changes needed. Evaluation should involve all stakeholders to ensure their different perspectives are included. Some questions that need answers in order for the plan to be evaluated are:
Stakeholders’ responses to these questions should be discussed constructively and recorded. Remember, in the future, other people might want to know why a particular decision was made. Evaluating the plan forms the basis for improving the next one, so be thorough.
Modify the plan and continue to monitor it
Agreed changes arising from the stakeholders’ evaluation must be incorporated into the revised plan. Consultation with and agreement by all stakeholders is still essential during this process. The results of cost monitoring can be used to prepare accurate budgets for the revised plan.
If the plan didn’t work well, it is important to go back through the process to identify omissions (based on new knowledge/experience) or parts that were not done as planned. Like a perfect plan conducted poorly, a flawed plan conducted perfectly will not yield the results stakeholders wanted.
Ultimately it is important to resolve why particular objectives and goals were not achieved. Was a perfect plan conducted poorly or a flawed plan conducted perfectly? In practice, reality is often somewhere between the two.
By answering the following questions, stakeholders might be able to decide why particular problems occurred:
Continuing to cooperatively implement, review and refine plans ensures those plans remain relevant and also increases the chances of ongoing success.